You Inspire US! Help us Create the Spring Scents with us!

Our community has grown so much over the last half of a decade and it's no secret that we are a very creative bunch! It's due time to create our Spring line of scents and offerings in car air fresheners, soap and more and we want YOUR help in what to make this time in 2025! Please leave a comment, suggestion, a story, something that inspires you- anything at all and we will take it into consideration! If we choose your suggestion, you could win BoV store credit worth $25! Let's get the creative juices flowing and if this works well, let's do it again for summer! I can't wait to read all your ideas and suggestions. 

Love, Deb, Your Loyal Lyeness 

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I would love something similar to the astrology line or something related to the sabbats.
A scent I would love to see for spring would be citrusy. It could be called Sol, after the Norse goddess of the sun.


Why not create a hyacinth scent for spring with mulberries or loganberries?

Michele Brown

I love the idea for Sabbat soap!

How about Vor, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge soap?. Maybe ginger, lemon/citrus and something that smells like old books?
Ginger for focus, lemon/citrus to help with concentration and alertness.


In thinking about spring maybe something about Imbolc and/or Brigid? Her tree is the birch tree and a goddess associated with fire and hearth along with snowdrops and dandelions. Imbolc, in turn, is often celebrated with fire. So warm and floral, maybe a bit of lemon cause spring cleaning and alot of cleaning supplies are lemon scented. Those are my very vague ideas.


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