The Blurbs of Valhalla, What's Happening in the Soap Studio

You Inspire US! Help us Create the Spring Scents with us!

You Inspire US! Help us Create the Spring Scent...

Our community has grown so much over the last half of a decade and it's no secret that we are a very creative bunch! It's due time to create our...


You Inspire US! Help us Create the Spring Scent...

Our community has grown so much over the last half of a decade and it's no secret that we are a very creative bunch! It's due time to create our...

Best-Selling Products of 2024: A Birds of Valhalla Year in Review

Best-Selling Products of 2024: A Birds of Valha...

 Happy New Year! 2025 New Year's Cranberry Champagne Soap (Pop the Cork!) We did it! We made it through 2024! And what a year it's been! Not only have we...


Best-Selling Products of 2024: A Birds of Valha...

 Happy New Year! 2025 New Year's Cranberry Champagne Soap (Pop the Cork!) We did it! We made it through 2024! And what a year it's been! Not only have we...

Edgar Allen Poe-Pourri Soap adorned with red roses, and can be purchased with a "bleeding heart" pendant

Fall in Love this Halloween

Edgar Allen Poe-Pourri Soap is adorned with red roses, and can be purchased with a handmade "bleeding heart" pendant this fall VALHALLA-WEEN I know what you must be saying- “It’s...


Fall in Love this Halloween

Edgar Allen Poe-Pourri Soap is adorned with red roses, and can be purchased with a handmade "bleeding heart" pendant this fall VALHALLA-WEEN I know what you must be saying- “It’s...

Four Birds of Valhalla Secret Soaps. From top left to right there is Tobacco Flower & Raw Honey, Vanilla Orchid, Lilac Flowers & Lavender, and Cedar & Amber

The Secret is Out!

Birds of Valhalla released a secret line of soaps!


The Secret is Out!

Birds of Valhalla released a secret line of soaps!

Palm in the rainforest of Riau, Indonesia

The Soap Maker's Nest Series: Palm Oil

The Soap Maker's Nest: Palm Oil   Welcome to the first entry in our new series: The Soap Maker's Nest! You're invited behind the scenes at Birds of Valhalla in...


The Soap Maker's Nest Series: Palm Oil

The Soap Maker's Nest: Palm Oil   Welcome to the first entry in our new series: The Soap Maker's Nest! You're invited behind the scenes at Birds of Valhalla in...

The Story of Violet's Victory Soap

The Story of Violet's Victory Soap

We are always dedicated to doing things to make the world a better place at Birds of Valhalla. Our formulas are natural, ethical, and made in the United States. We...


The Story of Violet's Victory Soap

We are always dedicated to doing things to make the world a better place at Birds of Valhalla. Our formulas are natural, ethical, and made in the United States. We...